Willoughby Community Men’s Shed strives to be an inclusive organisation.
There is a strict Safety Policy. All Members, no matter what their background, must be accredited by a Shed Supervisor to use any machine tool in the Shed. This applies equally for Members who have strong workshop backgrounds to the total novice.
The Shed relies on Members who have skills to teach those who do not. In this way Members of the Shed are continually passing on expertise to others and vice versa. We have Members with a lifetime’s experience in boat building, house building, engineering, and teaching. Together they make a very effective team.
In order to function efficiently and safely the Shed has established a supervisory structure for each day of operation, including:
- a Shed Supervisor, who has overall responsibility for the Shed on that day.
- Machine Accreditors, who assist Members with training on our range of machine tools.
- a Maintenance Officer, who make sure all the machines tools are working correctly.
- a First Aid Officer, who applies "Bandaids" when required.
The Shed also has a Committee whose members are in constant contact in person, at the Shed, and via email, to ensure that the Shed continues to run smoothly and that any issues that arise are dealt with promptly and professionally.
Members are encouraged to take an active role in managing the Shed and are welcome to offer suggestions, compliments and criticisms whenever it is felt necessary.
To access a copy of the Shed Safety Posters click on the link below.