We have moved to our new Shed in Warners Park, The Outpost. Northbridge.
The larger purpose designed workspace offers greater freedom of movment, benches at a more 'user friendly height', dedicated wood turning spaces and a seperate kitchen.
The increase in floor space and storage will facilitate the Shed's continued expansion into metal fabrication and the use of advanced technologies, such as 3D routing and laser engraver. Dedicated machine areas will give members more bench space to work on their projects.
We would like to thank Chatswood RSL, a long-time generous supporter of the Men’s Shed, for the ClubsGrant to enable us to purchase a new dust extraction system and fund our new electrical layout.
Our thanks to Willoughby City Council for the purchase of blast gate for the new extraction system. Both organisations have been strong backers of the Shed since its inception in 2007. The Shed would not be as vibrant and as well respected within the community as it is, without their ongoing support.
I would like to thank all those at Willoughby City Council who have helped us get to where we are now, our larger purpose designed workspace.
If you are interested in joining the Shed just drop in, have a look around and join us in the Kitchen or on the balcony for a cuppa.
Neville Warner
August 2022